Wednesday 22 June, 2011


During the pre independence days, in the mountains, when there were no roads,the babus and the common alike used the bridle paths. You must remember those old stories of traveling from village to village and how people used to spend days on these paths. In Himachal these old footpaths are still used, and you will find Dak ...Bungalows after every 12 kms in the state. Some of these are over a century old and some even date back to 1800’s.Travelwithdj Outdoors invites you to this wonderful journey to these timeless classics, as we retrace the steps of days gone by, and we promise you, it sure is awakening as much as it is refreshing. We will outfit for your travel in your style WALK, CYCLE, MOTORCYCLE, 4 WHEELS. Lets us know how many days and we chalk out the best plan for you. happy trails ....... destinations galore, Seog, Kullu saraun, Taranda, arsu, Nichar, and many more ...

You know when we were trying to design this product at Travel with Dj, we had a long discussion before, you know, just talking about our travels in the state and how we have stayed at so many wonderful places around the whole place. But we all came to the conclusion that nothing can... beat the old worldly charm of staying at rest houses any where. Especially the old ones, yes, there are what they call new rest houses (brick and mortar structures against the backdrop of grand Himalayan vistas). There is a certain image which we think we might share with everyone; thinking of these old rest houses or Dak Bungalows as they are known in old lingo, An old Chowkidar who has spent his life taking care and upkeeping the place, a certain supernatural aura surrounding these places (ooof!) deep jungles, stories of wild animals, ghosts and pre independence Mem Sahibs and their rendevouz with eloping officers and staying at these places. Well, to say some might even hold true, for in the visitor guest lists of these rest houses you do find references dating back to as far 1890's. And the locations where the rest houses are, exquisite and exclusive. There is another trivia - and this might interest the hikers, cyclists and motorcyclists alike - All the rest houses in Himachal Pradesh - at least the old ones are 12 KMS APART ... so if you say you start from Shimla, the next place where you would unwind is 12kms and so on -- At least thats what it used to be in the old days, traveling on foot you reached your night halt after 12 kms .... Makes sense ... Imagine! A deep forest, small villages, Himalayan Outdoors ... Makes you want to unwind .. and retrace these Bridle Paths ... Get in touch with the forest department Himachal Pradesh to make your bookings .. or if you want to relax and let Trails Tales do the outfitting .. connect with us ... We will outfit your holiday for HIKING, CYCLING, MOTORCYCLING, 4 Wheel Road Trip and book the places and also if you ask send across a field expert .... These trips are ONLY FOR SMALL GROUPS - Maximum 8 people ... You have destinations to choose from ... Give us a buzz or write in ... We will be glad to help you out ... Cheers and Regards - Dj

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